Aligning Technical and Economical Interests for Premium OEM

The automotive industry is changing substantially. Examples cover the need to reduce development time by > 50 percent, to add CO₂ as a core KPI, and restructure global supply chains. Getting the answer right is of strategic importance as any failure would mean either major loss of business or massive profitability reductions. Learn how to make development approaches future ready!

Automotive transformation challenges R&D functions with the need to develop 50% faster while creating cost- and emission optimized cars

Development approaches and KPIs outdated

This premium automotive OEM‘s early phase development was organized in silo functions. Important objectives like weight, quality, manufacturing & logistics cost, were evaluated at a later stage in the development process. Emissions like CO₂ were not taken into account at all. As a result, car concepts were technically fixed very early, yet without any reflection of the remaining KPIs.

How the challenge was faced

The tasks:

  • Analyzing and benchmarked the maturity of R&D approaches
  • Adding new methods, tools and KPIs to cover CO₂, etc.
  • Rolling-out the approach globally and trained teams
  • Aligning overall governance to make changes stick

Faster development with less cost and emissions

The new approach toward development delivers results much faster than ever before. The reason being the installed solution now covers end-to-end development, balances a methodology that trades-off between function, cost, quality, weight, and emissions — deploying cross-functional work all the way. As a result, a significant overall cost reduction was achieved. New car concepts can now be checked across all dimensions at any time.


“CO₂ reduction in vehicles does not have to be costly. On the contrary. By bringing together decisive factors at an early stage, considerable money and emissions can be saved in the process.”

Jost Kamenik

Our Specialists

Working with the most qualified TSETINIS-EFESO Consultants is key to your success.

Speak with an expert in your industry who can help you move your company toward your specific goals. We implement our expertise in a very specific and targeted way and tailor the choice of methods to your individual requirements. In this way, we can ensure your long-term success.

Jost Kamenik


Performance Improvement
CO₂ & Sustainability
Cost Management

+49 160 92127863


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