Digitalization Strategy for mobility solution provider

The shift to electrified powertrains is changing the entire automotive and supplier industry. Simultaneously, mobility solutions and services are opening up new revenue streams – enhancing and expanding the current business model. TSETINIS-EFESO was asked by a Tier 1 leader to set up a digital target picture and develop a target operating model for the implementation of its digital ambitions.

Doing things right when it comes to digitalization

  • Many unorchestrated, silo-driven digital initiatives with unclear impact
  • No defined digital ambition and direction
  • Current digital operating model was not contributing to the overall digital transformation ambition

This is how we addressed the challenge

  • Scheduling ideation workshops to develop a digital target picture
  • Ensuring transparency across all use cases – and assessing impact evaluation to the overall financial target
  • Outlining a target operating model, considering current pain points and stakeholder expectations

Shooting at the right targets

  • Development and refinement of a holistic target picture
  • Development of a roadmap for digital initiatives
  • Setup of a digital operating model to support changes
  • Setup of digital programs to implement required capabilities in the short-, mid-, and long-term

A vision for a joint Digitalization approach Infrastructure, rules and gates to reach our destination

ZF Group, Electrified Powertrain Technology Division

“TSETINIS-EFESO supported us in the total reworking of our digitalization strategy and organization. Throughout the project, T-E contributed both subject matter expertise and a pragmatic, hands-on approach, thus contributing to the success of the project.”

Julian Fieres
Vice President

Strategy & Innovation
Our Specialists

Working with the most qualified TSETINIS-EFESO Consultants is key to your success.

Speak with an expert in your industry who can help you move your company toward your specific goals. We implement our expertise in a very specific and targeted way and tailor the choice of methods to your individual requirements. In this way, we can ensure your long-term success.

Jost Kamenik


Performance Improvement
CO₂ & Sustainability
Cost Management

+49 160 92127863


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