Focus of TSETINIS-EFESO investment optimization is production equipment along the value-add process
Cost Engineering of capital investments
We are well experienced in reducing the cost of production facilities and equipment across production technologies and industries on a global scale.
We have developed a specific cross-functional approach and a set of tools to optimize the costs of machinery and equipment as well as buildings.
We know exactly what levers to apply across the entire capital investment procurement process.
We calculated, estimated, and negotiated the best cost for machinery and equipment, material handling, commercial component parts and buildings. In addition, we conducted cost workshops with suppliers.
Six (6) levers are identified with different tasks and possibilities to optimize the cost situation of an investment along the process
The CE-Invest approach has led to savings of -30% in average across industries and technologies
With our proprietary CAPEX calculation and estimation approach & software we can easily identify cost savings potentials and help our clients to realize them.
- Average savings of 30 percent realized
- Development of best practice cost base for machinery and equipment, conveyor systems, buildings, and commercial component parts
- Conclusion of various multi-year sourcing agreements with suppliers to reduce transaction cost and maintain cost level in the long term