Embrace Sustainability and the Circular Economy

Our current economic model is inefficient. Much of what we produce ends up in landfill. Only a fraction of the value we put into making things is recovered after use. With finite resources and volatile commodity prices this must change. We believe the Circular Economy will be an increasingly disruptive force, and that businesses need to understand the opportunities and challenges it presents.

Humanity is eating up our planet’s resources far too quickly

Today’s economy relies on large quantities of cheap, easily accessible materials and energy. This has led to us using up our planet’s resources almost twice as fast as they can be replenished. The yearly turning point is called “Earth Overshoot Day” and it marks the date when humanity’s resource consumption in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. In 2021, it fell on July 29.

Humanity is eating up the annual resources of our planet by far too fast

We need to act — but don‘t know how

Transformation requires us to make tough trade-off decisions. At a time when the scientific consensus is that mobility emissions need to be roughly halved by 2030 to achieve a 1.5°C climate scenario, the automotive industry is dramatically overshooting its estimated carbon and resource budgets. Even worse: car-based mobility is set to grow globally by around 70 percent by 2030, leading to a further deterioration if no counteractions are taken.

How can the “Circular Economy” help to succeed while creating value for your business?

The projected impact of CO₂ emissions scenarios is massive and has resulted in a call-for-action for leaders across the world. As a result, companies across all economic sectors are in the process of making carbon neutrality a core objective. One of the core approaches to achieving those ambitions is “circularity” – with most automotive materials already recyclable today.

Think circular growth opportunities

“Circularity” offers business opportunities worth trillions of euro

A Circular Economy is regenerative by design, and aims to keep products, components, and materials at their highest utility and value.

For example by:

  • reusing, refurbishing and recycling
  • maximizing inherent value in products
  • reducing material and energy costs
  • consuming services rather than purchasing assets.

Circular Economy is key – and estimated to create more than 1 trillion euros in value in Europe alone by 2025.

It is time to act. Now! Urgently! There are ways in which humanity can be successful.

So, let’s face the challenge! By adopting circular principles, you can:

  • generate additional value from your materials and assets
  • create more efficient operating models
  • develop long-term service-based relationships with end consumers
  • create less waste in a world with finite resources.


Our Specialists

Working with the most qualified TSETINIS-EFESO Consultants is key to your success.

Speak with an expert in your industry who can help you move your company toward your specific goals. We implement our expertise in a very specific and targeted way and tailor the choice of methods to your individual requirements. In this way, we can ensure your long-term success.

Jost Kamenik


Performance Improvement
CO₂ & Sustainability
Cost Management

+49 160 92127863



Alexander Klos

Senior Principal

Strategy & Innovation
Product Profitability Programs
Implementation of Cost / Value Engineering

+49 151 62862230



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