Quo Vadis Value Analysis / Value Engineering?

Design-to-Cost and Value Analysis / Value Engineering (VA / VE) are established methods to support cost optimization measures. But what happens when the performance of these methods weakens and the resources used do not deliver the desired payback? What if cost targets are not met? Weaknesses must be identified and optimized in order to continue to use these methods in a value-adding manner.

Technical savings are crucial to hitting business targets

Industrial companies have been focusing on optimizing their cost structures for years – especially product costs to refinance necessary investments in technology and infrastructure caused by market disruptions. In addition to purely commercial approaches, Design-to-Cost or VA / VE approaches have experienced a renaissance in generating technical savings in recent years.

Design-to-Cost / VA / VE teams are failing to reach their targets

Companies invest a lot of resources in the development and realization of cost optimization measures. However, TC project experience shows that many VA / VE organizations fall short of expectations and grow weak, especially in the realization of the appropriate measures.

The executed outside-in Performance Benchmarks show areas for improvement in all structural pillars w/ major weaknesses in HR

What needs to be done to increase Design-to-Cost / VA / VE performance?

Companies need to understand:

  • Which weaknesses lead to low savings performance
  • Which levers to use to improve implementation and realization of savings
  • What the Best Practice Organizational setup is and how future shortfalls can be prevented

Solution concepts are company-specific

The performance problem in Design-to-Cost / VA / VE is often multi-layered. Identifying the right levers for anchoring VA / VE in the company and optimizing savings performance is success-critical and can only be answered after a detailed analysis.

Since analysis phases are often costly and lengthy. Smarter and faster ways must be found to avoid wasting money, time, and resources. With the VAVE Performance Week, we offer an effective method for identifying concrete levers with which to increase performance. Concrete, holistic, and implementation-oriented. Let’s get started and boost your VAVE performance to unlock next level technical savings!

Research & Development
Our Specialists

Working with the most qualified TSETINIS-EFESO Consultants is key to your success.

Speak with an expert in your industry who can help you move your company toward your specific goals. We implement our expertise in a very specific and targeted way and tailor the choice of methods to your individual requirements. In this way, we can ensure your long-term success.

Martin Kruschel


Materials Management
Product Profitability Programs
Restructuring & Organizational

+49 151 46700477



Sönke Johannsen

Senior Principal

Product Profitability
R&D Excellence
Materials Management

+49 151 62409501



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