Stop talking, start acting – how to grow integrity of sustainability initiatives

Climate neutrality has evolved to be the global test case for the delivery of comprehensive ESG strategies – with ambitious targets defined

Industries around the globe are likely facing the perfect storm of disruption in markets, supply chains, operations, technologies and regulations. And with the world still grappling with the impact of COVID-19, the question on how to grow Economic, Social and Governance regimes in firms has increased massively.

Global organisations say “sustainability” is a priority – but they’re not doing enough

Most companies have climate strategies and targets that appear to vitally reduce, or even eliminate, their contributions to global warming. The rapid increase of corporate climate pledges, combined with the fragmentation of approaches makes it even more difficult to distinguish between climate leadership and greenwashing. This is compounded by a general lack of regulatory oversight at national level.

Leading players across sectors are addressing this challenge with large-scale initiatives to create transparency and get ready for the challenge

The integrity of most approaches seems to be weak, nurturing the fear of “greenwashing”

  • “Net zero” targets commit to reduce aggregate emissions by only 40% on average, not 100% as suggested or required
  • 19 of the 25 companies assessed will rely on offsetting for their future pledges, and only one company plans explicitly without offsets
  • Hard to distinguish between real climate leadership and unsubstantiated greenwashing

Yet recent studies show that the integrity of most approaches seems to be weak, nurturing the fear of “unsubstantiated greenwashing” in most cases

TSETINIS-EFESO benchmarks confirm: firms don’t understand how to deliver a highly integrated ESG program

  • TOP-1 GAP “Tools & Systems”: the wide variety of solutions with different functionalities makes it extremely hard for firms to choose the “right” one
  • TOP-2 GAP “Strategy”: Corporate- / Product Carbon Footprints as well as potential impacts on underlying cost scenarios are not fully understood
  • TOP-3 GAP “Organisation & Governance”: Program set-up does not carefully integrate all facets and aspects of the required transformation

TSETINIS-EFESO benchmarks confirm: firms just don’t understand how to deliver a highly integrated ESG program end-to-end, leaving major GAPs unattended

We help you to grow integrity

Identifying and promoting real climate leadership is a key challenge that, where addressed, has the potential to unlock greater global climate change mitigation ambition.

20 years ago, TSETINIS-EFESO has created what most experts see as today’s global industry standard for performance improvement and cost optimization – we are now applying this to ESG!

We will help you to make your ESG ambitions work in practice and deliver a transformation towards sustainability that is integer and really works

Our Specialists

Working with the most qualified TSETINIS-EFESO Consultants is key to your success.

Speak with an expert in your industry who can help you move your company toward your specific goals. We implement our expertise in a very specific and targeted way and tailor the choice of methods to your individual requirements. In this way, we can ensure your long-term success.

Jost Kamenik


Performance Improvement
CO₂ & Sustainability
Cost Management

+49 160 92127863


Alexander Klos

Senior Principal

Strategy & Innovation
Product Profitability Programs
Implementation of Cost / Value Engineering

+49 151 62862230


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